Sunday 20 October 2013

Withdraw/top-up you PayPal account. & Carry out online shopping as well - secure site
© ItechJungle
Our sight is secured and all your transactions are safe. Documentations are made, and records kept.

we give you the option to test our services.

To #withdraw from PayPal, with little amounts, so as to test our services some fees are not included to enable you test our services much better, fast and easily and you get your funds as soon a couple of minutes.

#loading your PayPal account is also done very fast.

Even if you are a #foreigner or living #abroad with loved ones in Kenya, you can use our service to send them money from your PayPal account, very easily.

To make it better, easily calculate how much you need to spend with the free online (on the go) Calculator.

Various options you can use: use #mpesa, #AirtelMoney or #bank
1. #withdraw your funds from PayPal
2. #load your Paypal account with funds
3. much more...

check it out and get to know and understand more and the wide range of options you have. it's free to check.
© ItechJungle

Friday 11 October 2013

How to withdraw and add funds to your PayPal account in Kenya

For a long time this has been a great problem in Kenya. Many have asked how do i withdraw money from Paypal in Kenya? To add funds into your PayPal account is not easy, so is Withdrawal. You might want to purchase an item online but getting funds into your PayPal account is not easy. Most of the people who do online Job’s such as freelance writing receive payments through PayPal. Most of the online services out there offer payments through PayPalWithdrawing this funds from PayPal is not easy, as PayPal does not offer a direct way to withdraw funds from Kenya, but do not be dismayed as there is a way to get to have PayPal funds in Kenya. Keep reading to learn more.

The Problems and Hoax

Due to this great limitation by PayPal many people out there have taken this opportunity to scam Kenyans. Some people, cheat Kenyans into sending them money and they end up not delivering. Although there are actually some people out there who are legit and offer this services genuinely. I shall talk about the most genuine methods out there.

The Truth and The Light

The legit ways out there currently that I can vouch for are 4.
  1. Epay-Kenya - which is a service from Kenya
  2. Equity Bank – A very popular bank in Kenya
  3. Payoneer – A US payment service
  4. My services – Your very own Kenyan
to keep reading and get to know how to use those methods follow the link below

Thursday 3 October 2013

Beware of online scams and protect yourself

Many of use online classified such as olx, facebook and the popular groups on facebook to find buyers and sellers for our stuff and services... but how safe is it?? how sure will you be that you will get your service or products as promised.

am sure many of us have a story to tel... many of us have suffered in the arms of this con people. its not right, but this is how our society is, so what can we do?

all we can do is learn ways to outsmart them, and to be careful so that we do not fall prey to these things.

although there are many out there who are real and legit. Many say they will give you this, and that, and they actually deliver. it's the small percentage of mischievous hooligans who spoil the space for those who are genuine.

find out how to equip yourself from the scrupulous acts of those mindless people who are out to run you dry... find out how to equip yourself from the harms of those people, and to make sure you keep yourself safe and you merchandise safe. follow the link below.
from Itechjungle
Various options: use #mpesa#AirtelMoney or #bank account.
1. #withdraw your funds from #PayPal
2. #load your Paypal account with funds
3. #purchase items online especially from famous online merchants such as eBay.
4. #much more...

All this at a very convenient price. To make it better, easily calculate how much you need to spend with the free #online (on the go) #Calculator.
amazing rates.

check it out and get to know and understand more and the various options you have. it's free to check.

Monday 16 September 2013

Check out ItechJungle's Video promo 2

Technologize your Brain
Check out ItechJungle's promo video

Technologize your Brain

Which Tablet to buy?

Tablets have become the trending device out there. I even read an interesting article saying that, some few year back the kids of those days used to compete about their parent's properties. They used to compete whose father has the best car. Most used to compete who has the best shoe, or the best clothes. It's going to come a time when kids will start competing who has the best tablet. which tablet they have, whether a samsung, iphone, etc is the best. Technology is making times change in an interesting way. 
So back to where i was... Samsung has released so many tablets that it makes one have a hard time buying them. Check this out to get some insights on which tablet you should go for and which one would serve you best among the samsung tablets that are trending in the market.

Get insights on the trending tablets and which one should suite you best

How to Optimize your Computer to peak performance for free

Computers and Laptops can make you angry when they become slow. A computer could be slow because of either hardware or software related problems. 

Most hardware related problems are probably because you are trying to make the computer perform faster than what it was built for. In terms of hardware you look mostly at the RAM and processor. A computer with a 4gb RAM and a core i3 2.4 ghz computer will enable you perform normal day to day operation with ease.

The highest cause of slow computer is software related. Solving such is easy and can be done in one, two, three clicks of the mouse button. Your computer could be clogged with unused registry files, system cache files, invalid shortcuts, junk files... and the list is endless. All this could make it slow, very slow. all you need is to properly optimize your computer. doing this directly can be hard, as one might not even know where to start from.
there is an easy application though, that one can use. Its called Advanced System Care. 

This application is amazing and has never let me down. It does more than just optimizing your computer and offers you a tone of extra stuff. It provides an easy to use interface, and you shall notice improvements almost immediately after using the software to optimize your computer

Get to Optimize your Computer to pick performance for free

How to Buy the Perfect Tv

Buying a Television is no easy task nowadays. There have been several Televisions released as the world of Technology is changing at a drastic rate. If you have walked into an electronic shop am sure you would concur with this. It comes a time where everyone has to buy their 1st television. Even though you were bought for one for your room, you still have to just buy one, whether you need to upgrade from your old one, or you getting one for the first time. 

buying is not as easy, as one has so much to choose from. One get's spoilt with so many choices on which one to buy...
Check out Buying a Television is no easy task nowadays. There have been several Televisions released as the world of Technology is changing at a drastic rate. If you have walked into an electronic shop am sure you would concur with this. It comes a time where everyone has to buy their 1st television. Even though you were bought for one for your room, you still have to just buy one, whether you need to upgrade from your old one, or you getting one for the first time. 

buying is not as easy, as one has so much to choose from. One get's spoilt with so many choices on which one to buy..
Get more insights on buying the perfect tv

How to Shop online from Kenya

Nowadays one does not need to get out of the house in order to do shopping. With the internet it has revolutionized the way people do shopping. It has made shopping so easy, comfortable and better. The good thing about shopping online is that you are able to see a wide range of items, easily compare, see reviews from different locations.. by the time you are buying that item, you can do so much to ensure its the best you can get and for the best price.

If you starting out shopping online from Kenya, it can be tough... which stores to go to... how to pay for items... how to have items delivered to Kenya... which is the best way to pay... how to get and use a credit card... with the answers to all these questions you will get to know effectively how to shop online...
Get to know more on how to shop online

Save yourself Time in Traffic jams - Kenya

Traffic jams are the worst nightmares for road users all over the world. You might be wanting to catch that flight, or you are running to work and your journey ends up being 2 hours longer just because of traffic. 
With the way the Kenyan roads are, at least there is some hope for those who know some of the roads less popular with traffic jams. One can easily escape traffic through some of those roads.

The challenge however comes about when wanting to know which road to take... it can be hard. What if you were able to know which road has traffic? what about which road you should take and which one to stay off? what about knowing which road has traffic.. there is an interesting solution...

Find out to Save your Self From Traffic Jams

Maasai Mara Game reserve

Masaai Mara has for a long time become the tourist's choice destination in Kenya. Masaai Mara boasts of having a variety of animals. A game drive in Maasai Mara is amazing, and can actually end up taking a whole day. This was one place that if i had an opportunity to go i would go. Animals that one would see on the television, like lions for instances, you get to see them at close range with your own two eyes. it's a great experience...

Get to Know more about Masaai Mara

Eyborg "Cybernetic Extension"- Listen to color

Technology has really revolutionized the world of medicine and enabled medicine save many lives. through technology developments through out the years people with various disabilities are able to enjoy and live life to the fullest. 
this article features those people who are not able to see color. Can you imagine life if you were not able to see color?? there are some people who suffer from a condition known as achromatopsia ie color agnosia. they are unable to see color. all they see is black and white.

thanks to technology they can be able to listen to color.. interesting, huh? hearing color instead of seeing color
Read more about Eyeborg

The rate at which technology is moving it will soon get creepy. You will be standing at the zebra crossing waiting for the lights to turn green so that you can walk. You probably will be you and your friend. Then instead of the light turning green, it calls out your names and telling you that you may cross the road... lol

Technology is surely changing, in an interesting way... 
check out my blog on tech, i just started to share a bunch of things on technology. My aim is to provide a channel where people can read interesting articles on tech, and get to know how to use some of the technological items out there already... Visit ItechJungle, don't be left behind

About ItechJungle

ItechJungle aims to embrace technology and share what technology has to offers. ItechJungle illustrates how Technology can be used for a variety of ways that can make life simpler and the learning experience quite enjoyable. It gives reviews on various tech gadgets trending on the market and step by step videos for using some of the technology stuff out there. It also has a section to share on the Kenyan lifestyle. Technologize your Brain @ ItechJungle.

Mission is to show how technology can be fun and interesting, and used especially to help those who are in a learning institution and to also share about some of the interesting things Kenya has to offer.


Created so as to shed more light on the cool technology out there especially on devices that now have become a must have, and also share more on the interesting things that happen in Kenya at the lowest level.