Thursday 3 October 2013

Beware of online scams and protect yourself

Many of use online classified such as olx, facebook and the popular groups on facebook to find buyers and sellers for our stuff and services... but how safe is it?? how sure will you be that you will get your service or products as promised.

am sure many of us have a story to tel... many of us have suffered in the arms of this con people. its not right, but this is how our society is, so what can we do?

all we can do is learn ways to outsmart them, and to be careful so that we do not fall prey to these things.

although there are many out there who are real and legit. Many say they will give you this, and that, and they actually deliver. it's the small percentage of mischievous hooligans who spoil the space for those who are genuine.

find out how to equip yourself from the scrupulous acts of those mindless people who are out to run you dry... find out how to equip yourself from the harms of those people, and to make sure you keep yourself safe and you merchandise safe. follow the link below.

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